Option #3
The Door of the Word Witch
Want more personalized attention and feedback from Sara and Brittany? Then you're looking for the Door of the Word Witch. You'll get access to the live lectures and the workbook and participate in the critique session, but you'll also schedule a one-hour, two-on-one consultation with Sara and Brittany where we'll dive into your manuscript together. We'll be guided by what YOU want in terms of feedback, and we'll work together to achieve your goals for your manuscript.
This Option Includes:
Live Lecture #1 - "Retelling Fairy Tales" - This live video lecture will be a deep dive into some of our favorite examples of fairy-tale retellings, plus tons of strategies for writing and refining them. (A $200 Value!)
Live Lecture #2 - "How to Write a Poem-Spell" - This second live video lecture will be a practical guide that will help you create your own poem in this genre as you follow along. (A $200 Value!)
The 40-Page PDF Workbook - A beautifully designed guide full of resources, writing exercises, and inspiration to keep your pen moving. (A $50 Value!)
An Intimate, Live Critique Session (MAX 12) - In this live event, divided into two two-hour sessions over the course of the day, you’ll gather with Sara, Brittany, and your classmates to discuss your own and your classmates' work in a guided critique session. You’ll leave armed with feedback to take your work to the next level, plus useful insights from seeing the other pieces discussed. There is nothing quite like a live critique session, and if you haven't experienced one before than you're in for a treat!
A Personal Consult with Sara and Brittany - Want Sara and Brittany’s personal attention? Through this door, you’ll access an hour-long two-on-one consultation where we dig deep into your manuscript, listen to your questions and concerns, and offer insights, suggestions, and encouragement! We’ll help you polish your work until it shines.

Workshop Timeline
For The Word Witch
August 30th:
Enrollment for the SPELLCRAFT closes at MIDNIGHT EDT.
August 31st:
Deadline to submit a manuscript to Sara and Brittany at [email protected] by midnight (EDT). Please also let us know what kind of feedback is most useful to you. Do you only want to hear what people liked? What we think worked and what didn’t? Is there a particular issue you’d like help solving? Anything you feel especially vulnerable about? Please note that this statement will be shared with the other members of the workshop so that they can be on the same page and be as useful as possible to you, too!
September 1st:
You will receive the manuscripts of your classmates! You’ll also receive a short guide from Sara and Brittany on how to make the most of reading week and the critique session. Please give your classmate’s manuscripts the same attention and care that you want your own work to receive.
September 1st-11th:
Reading days! You should use this time to read and take notes on your classmates' manuscripts.
September 12:
SPELLCRAFT takes place live!
(All times listed are EDT!)
All links and workbook PDF will be posted on Teachable
12pm - 1pm:
Live Video Lecture #1 - Retelling Fairy Tales
1pm - 1:30pm:
1:30pm - 3:30pm:
Critique Session Part 1
3:30pm - 4:00pm:
4:00pm - 5:00pm:
Live Video Lecture #2 - How to Write a Poem-Spell
5:00pm - 5:30pm:
5:30pm - 7:30pm:
Critique Session Part 2
By October 16th:
Sara and Brittany will provide you with a one-on-two consultation with detailed, personal feedback
A Few Community Guidelines
Reading and discussing a writer’s work is a powerful but vulnerable experience. And we want you to have the best experience (super) humanly possible. To make that happen, we ask that you:
- Lead with kindness and respect
- Listen to what kind of feedback your classmates want and honor their requests
- Avoid evaluative statements (“I liked”/ “I didn’t like”). Instead, make observations about what’s in the manuscript and ask lots of questions!
- Put the same care into reading, taking notes, and commenting on your classmate’s work that you want to receive from them.
Content Warnings:
Sometimes, writing grapples with delicate, even triggering topics, and that can be incredibly powerful or healing. If you manuscript contains violence, explicit sexual content, or other especially emotional topics, please include a content warning with your submission.
The Carterhaugh community is amazing, and we don’t think this will come up because y’all are fabulous, but just so it is on paper and official: manuscripts that perpetuate sexism, racism, or otherwise demean vulnerable people are not welcome and will not be workshopped.