Find your fairy tale.
Tell your story.
Live your magic.
Stories are powerful, and the stories we tell ourselves are perhaps the most powerful of them all. Fairy tales, with their endless variety and flexibility, can be the scaffolding, the metaphor that holds all the twists and turns of your journey.
Welcome to Find Your Fairy Tale, a bite-sized mini course made to help you connect genuinely with the world of fairy tales and tap into the personal stories that underpin your life - so that you can harness their power or even start to change them. We guarantee academic excellence, dedication to whimsy, and an avenue right into a real sense of everyday enchantment.
Some people swear by their Enneagram (we’re both 3s) or their Zodiac sign (*waves in Virgo and Scorpio*).
We're all about fairy tales and the insights they reveal.
We’re folklorists with PhDs, and sharing the enchantment and power of these stories is literally our mission in life.
Are you Cinderella, caught in a cycle of overgiving but sure that you’re the underdog who’s going to triumph in the end?
Or are you Sleeping Beauty, ready to harness the power of rest and art to revitalize your kingdom?
Maybe you’re Snow White, the ultimate survivor, or Jack, who’s never met a challenge he didn’t want to conquer.
Your answer might surprise you!
Here's What You'll Get:
(You'll get linked to everything right after signing up!)
A digital workbook with more than a dozen prompts to help you choose the story that makes you feel seen
A video lecture (~ 45 minutes) with Sara and Brittany to show you what patterns you might be living through - and how to change them through the lens of the fairy tale
A ton of concrete examples to help you see how these stories can be completely customized and responsive to your unique experience
Hey Wait,
Who Are You Guys?
We, Dr. Sara Cleto and Dr. Brittany Warman, are award-winning folklorists, teachers, and writers with a combined 26 years in higher education and over 150 publications. Together, we founded The Carterhaugh School of Folklore and the Fantastic, teaching creative souls how to re-enchant their lives through folklore and fairy tales. In 2019, Carterhaugh won the Dorothy Howard Award from the American Folklore Society. Our first book, Fairylore, is forthcoming from Sterling Ethos (Hachette)