August 2024

Tier 1: Beauties

Co-Writing Time -
18 Silent Zooms in August
(Each 1 hour long!)

A brand new "Lunar Writing Journal" PDF for August 2024, specially designed to use the different moon phases to help you reflect on your project and writing over the course of the month!

Access to our brand new "Promptapolooza" writing workshop on August 11th!

Plus All the Extras
from Round 1!

A Behind-the-Scenes Book Journey Private Podcast - we talk about where we looked for resources, how we found an agent, contracts, and so much more

Access to the book proposal that got us our deal

Access to our Spellcraft: Write Like a Witch Workbook!

An audio guide to setting an intention for our time together - what goal do you want to achieve? Why? What is reasonable for you in one month?

The recording of our "Infernal Salon" Writing Workshop from Round 1!

Our August Beauties Calendar:

This course is closed for enrollment.

Decided you'd rather be a Beast?
Click here!